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Южный федеральный университет
Сегодня: 14-03-2025.

Computational modeling of the cabin interior of the conceptual model of amphibian aircraft “Lapwing”

Iftikhar B. Abbasov, V’iacheslavV. Orekhov  Advances in Engineering Software 114 (2017) 227–234

The article is concerned with computer modeling of the cabin interior of the conceptual model of the am- phibian aircraft “Lapwing”. Various concepts of the passenger compartment layout discussed. Designing of interior objects is carried out taking into account ergonomic norms. The stages of modeling a comfort- able passenger seat from a sketch to a finished model are described in detail. The method of extruding polygons is used for modeling the interior objects. When shading a scene, the materials are assigned at the sub-object level. The final scenes of a realistic rendering of the cabin interior of amphibian aircraft are shown.

Computational modeling of the cabin interior of the conceptual model of amphibian aircraft “Lapwing”